Standardized Testing
April 16th- CMAS Testing (Juniors Only)
- Students should be upstairs, ready to test by 8:30.
- Regular class schedule for all other grades.
- CMAS testers have the option of attending their afternoon classes or being excused from them.
- An afternoon test will begin at 12:00 for students in CE or CTE classes in the morning.
April 18th- SAT/PSAT Testing (All Freshman, Sophomore, and Juniors)
- Students will check in at the front no later than 8:30 and receive their testing room assignment.
- The test this year is entirely online.
- Students do not need to bring any items with them other than a water bottle.
- No regular classes on this test day.
Practice tests and an online sample of the testing environment can be found on:
- When creating your account, do not use your school email address in case you ever change schools or need to access it after you graduate.